08 November 2011

Getting Away With It

If I said I was sexually assaulted last week, would Herman Cain call me a liar?

If I said I was sexually harassed 25 years ago, would he say it was because I was living in sin with The Mate? Financially unstable, racking up debt while finishing graduate school?  Would any of that have anything on earth to do with it?

If I said I was sexually assaulted 30 years ago, would he say I was making it up?  Trying to get attention?  Making a big deal out of some little thing?


This situation is making me more and more furious.  It's hard for me to type those words up there, hard for me to talk about the assaults, the words, the threats behind them.  It makes me feel sick to remember. 

It makes me feel sick to see the attacks on the women who have come forward to say Cain assaulted them.  It makes me feel sick to see Gloria Allred, a courageous and smart attorney, attacked for helping one of the women Cain assaulted.

All week, I've been silently cheering on the Shayne Dejesus, who kicked and slapped the guy who groped her, and then took his picture.  He's been arrested.  I've been wishing I had the presence of mind to snap a photo of the guy who grabbed me ... because he could ... and got away with it.


Police?  Sure, I talked to police.  Didn't see the guy's face; wouldn't have been able to identify him beyond white, middle-aged and balding.  Not a damn thing they could do.

1 comment:

  1. Heide... no words to express what I am feeling, just loving thoughts
