Lately, though, I've been hearing the word used as a verb (a usage not yet recognized by the OED), so I searched further on Google* to see what's up.
I didn't find out, because I got distracted and transfixed by the Internet Anagram Server, also known as I, Rearrangement Servant.
I entered "grammatical." It answered:
548 found.
Displaying all:
Magical Tram
Magical Mart
Tarmac Gal Mi
Tarmac Lag Mi
If you want to see more of the list, go see for yourself.
*Slightly related note: I think my father has coined a new usage for Google. The Mom was searching with no luck for applesauce made in the fall. The Dad: "She Googled the freezer for applesauce, but didn't find any."
Googled the freezer! That's awesome! I love it.