31 August 2023

Meds, Cognition, and Time

I think I have finally found a way to manage all the meds that doesn’t take a ton of cognitive energy, which I have so little of, all day.

Between all the medications and supplements, there are sixteen pills. Then there are the two inhalers, one  I snort up my nose, one that gets added to food, and one that has to be dissolved in liquid. It usually goes in my morning coffee and—thankfully—has no taste or texture.

I have to remember to take two as soon as I wake up. There’s a hefty handful each with breakfast and lunch, and few more at dinner and at bedtime. 

I’ve had reflux for years, and meds have never helped it, so for a long time I’ve had to be careful what I eat, and when. Adding all these pills to the mix was a process of trial and error to make sure anything that might bother my stomach goes in relatively early in the day and with food. Rolaids and occasionally Pepcid come in if I screw up.

Sometimes I dread eating breakfast because I know it means I have to choke down six more pills.

Before Covid (BC?), I had a hard time keeping track when I all I had to take antibiotics four times a day. Organizing and remembering all of the stuff I’m on now, mostly for brain and lung damage, for which it provides some welcome relief but not nearly enough, has been pretty overwhelming, and it has taken me many weeks to find a system. And remembering if I took a pill or used an inhaler? Yeah, right.

After much searching, I found a pill organizer that is actually big enough for the breakfast and lunch doses. Bonus: the daily inserts come out of the organizer, which makes them so much easier to fill and empty than the kind where everything is connected.

And I’ve finally figured out how to use the iPhone “tasks” app effectively. I’ve divided up the day into two-hour intervals and I can check everything off when I do it, and then uncheck at the end of the day to be ready for the next day.

But, you know, I’m supposed to be finished with breakfast and all the morning meds (plus three full glasses of water) by 10 am. I just took the morning meds and I’m still working on the third glass of water and I’m an hour and a half late. I am trying to give myself the grace not to stress about that.

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