01 January 2012

Just One Appliance?

I'm hearing on Twitter from a lot of entities to which I do not subscribe.  Now that the semester and the holidays are over I'm going to have to figure out why this is so and what to do about it. Meanwhile, Sears wants to know: "What's the one appliance you couldn't live without?"

I suspect what they really want is to encourage people to buy another appliance.  But I like the idea of living with just one appliance.  Maybe none.

On the other hand, I have eleven appliances in my house, and I'm not in a hurry to get rid of any of them.  The most recent acquisition is a dishwasher.  What a relief.  If I had to give up all but one, I'd have to say that's the one I'd hang on to. (Is it cheating that I'm assuming I'd get to hang on to the washers and dryers in the basement of my apartment building?)

The dishwasher is the only appliance we use daily.  Every week, often multiple times: toaster, rice cooker, crock pot, blender, coffee grinder, spice grinder.  Maybe once a month: mixer, cuisinart.  Less than once a month: waffle maker, 12-cup percolator.  (No, in fact I don't own a hair dryer.)

It's a long list, especially if you've recently read a book like Little House in the Big Woods

In my defense? Most of these are once-in-a-decade purchases, if not less frequent.  The percolator and the cuisinart are hand-me-downs; the crock pot came out of the trash (with a note on it that said, "It works").  The mixer was a wedding present; I bought The Mate the waffle iron before The Offspring came along, so it's been around for quite a while.  The blender jar broke a few months ago, and a couple of weeks ago I finally replaced it -- with one made of stainless steel, that should last longer than the motor in the blender.

It's an interesting idea.  If you had to live with just one appliance, what would it be?


  1. Two: a gas stove and a refrigerator.

    Other than that, a coffee pot. No contest.

  2. BTW - the Twitter traffic is because people you follow are retweeting things from folks they follow. You should be able to determine pretty easily who is retweeting the stuff you have no interest in; you can then change your settings on their feed *not* to receive their retweets.

    As in all things, there is an etiquette, and every so often someone simply doesn't wait to learn the rules of the playground before jumping in. I had to turn off retweeting from a couple of folks who would routinely RT *dozens* of posts daily, of no interest to me whatsoever.

    I have fewer than 11 appliances (fridge, stove, coffeemaker, crockpot, washer, dryer, blender, toaster oven), but I don't think I'd want to give up any of them.

  3. i got a crock pot for christmas. what should i do with it?

    and yes, i realize that i'm not answering the question. i think it would have to be the stove. i could live without a fridge, if i could shop every day.
